According to the concept of Chinese medicine, when your Chi obstruction or imbalance when the disease will occur, acupuncture is a way to remove obstacles and adjust the balance.
Acupuncture is a thin small solid needle inserted into the acupuncture point, and sometimes need to use heat, pressure, or tiny current to treat the disease.
Most people do not feel hurt during the treatment, and sometimes the patient will feel a slight pressure when the needle enters. The area may have tingling, numbness, itching or a little bit of pain. After the needle is inserted into the acupuncture point, the doctor may needle gently turn back and forth. Or a doctor can use a heat or current needle.
What is the effect of acupuncture treatment?
Dredge the channel. Can clear the meridians, smooth blood. In traditional Chinese medicine such as pain, numbness and other symptoms, swelling, ecchymosis is the performance of blood flow obstruction. Acupuncture therapy helps to relieve symptoms.
Adjust yin and yang. In medicine, yin and yang is the two sides of things. Health is achieved through the balance between yin and yang.
Get rid of evil. Acupuncture helps patients improve immunity and fight disease. If the elimination of harmful factors, bacteria will not easily penetrate the human body.
How does acupuncture cure kidney disease?
The main function of acupuncture is to clear the meridians, blood circulation, promote blood circulation, increase renal blood flow. This can improve kidney damage by providing enough blood to improve renal ischemia, hypoxia, oxygen and other nutrients that can help prevent further kidney damage and promote damage and restore renal function.
Acupuncture can also help restore chronic kidney pain and fatigue, improve appetite and sleep quality. It can also reduce the pressure of hypertension and reduce the patient, so that they feel relaxed and refreshed.