

Porridge to life, health accompanying (b)

1、Salmon pumpkin porridge
Ingredients: millet
Accessories: pumpkin, salmon
Seasoning: salt, white vinegar, sweet-scented osmanthus, monosodium glutamate, sugar
Cooking method:
The millet in advance soak for 2 hours, until the pot water to open after the next, boil remove the floating foam, add pumpkin tablets, add a little white vinegar cook a moment;
The salmon cut into thin slices, code on the bowl, add a little ginger, porridge cooked by adding salt, monosodium glutamate, the pan can be poured on the fish.
2, melon Qushi porridge

  Ingredients and practices: melon (with skin) to capsule, cut into large pieces; dampness porridge material, including dry lotus pear, light heart flowers, lentils, red beans, barley, Gorgon and so washed with water; water open, the material with the release Into the pot can be burned to the smooth.




Introduction to shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital (one)

Introduction to shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital S hijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital was founded in the year of 1986, it is a k...