

【Chinese medicine】 kidney failure creatinine 700, no dialysis, Chinese medicine treatment more than ten days down to more than 400

In the local hospital for 7 days, loss of appetite did not change significantly. The local hospital arranged for him to transfer to the provincial hospital, to the hospital doctors recommend patients for hemodialysis treatment, but the patient refused. Finally, Mr. Du came to our hospital.

In fact, when he arrived, he was resisting because it was a private hospital. In the hearts of our people as long as the "private" means that there is no expensive public hospitals, such as: private schools. Although this is the case, but Mr. Du is still holding the mentality of trying to come to our hospital.

Just arrived in our hospital, creatinine 700μmol / L, not only high creatinine, his high blood pressure is also blurred vision, loss of appetite, physical fatigue and other symptoms. See the results of the examination, the attending physician and Mr. Du had a communication, but he did not want to dialysis. Attending physician gave him to use the characteristics of our hospital one of the traditional Chinese medicine - kidney topical.
"Kidney topical" mainly through the skin permeability, the treatment of kidney drugs into the infiltration, can fully use the drug efficacy. External application of the drug not only played the original effect of the therapy. But clever use of the therapy on oral, infusion of drug synergies and supporting role, so that synergies and auxiliary functions played a real detoxification effect.

After a week after the hospital treatment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Mr. Du's blood pressure normal, appetite is getting better and better, but also do not feel tired, and even vision than the beginning of the time to clear a lot. No longer need to help doctors and nurses to buy a meal ... ...

With the deepening of treatment, Mr. Du felt his body comfortable day by day, flash half a month after the review of creatinine fell to 406μmol / L.

See the results of the review, Mr. Du is very satisfied. In his communication with him, he was also very glad that he was insisting on traditional Chinese medicine treatment, not affected by other factors. Through Mr. Du is also want to tell you, on the way to seek medical treatment must find their own treatment methods, not subject to the impact of objective factors affect the efficacy of the disease so that the cure into incurable disease.

Patients with kidney disease recommend diet
1, melon
     Melon is a swollen weapon of edema in patients with nephropathy! Eat more melon can diuretic swelling, vitamin supplements, but also flat internal fire, cured inflammation.
     Melon in the vegetable potassium content is not high, you can often eat. Meat melon is a dish of kidney disease.
      Similar foods are cucumber, loofah, radish, potassium is slightly higher but also the amount of money to eat a pumpkin, tomatoes, lettuce, wild rice, amaranth, etc., before eating boiled water again.

       2, crucian carp
       Fish compared to lean lean meat, protein quality is more superior, but the content is slightly lower, so the amount of more to eat no problem. Especially carp, kidney disease patients have a good nourishing effect, but also help to eliminate edema. So in addition to lupus kidney patients to eat (to avoid allergies), other patients can eat.




Introduction to shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital (one)

Introduction to shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital S hijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital was founded in the year of 1986, it is a k...