Fumigation therapy is an external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, can also be called traditional Chinese medicine steam bath therapy. Fumigation therapy is a hot-based chemical-based physical therapy. This method was first applied in clinical practice since the first generation and became mature in the Qing Dynasty. Fumigation therapy is widely used in the treatment of Chinese medicine.
Fumigation therapy usage:
Put the medicine into the machine and boil it. The patient is lying on the machine for about half an hour of treatment.
Effect of fumigation therapy on kidney disease:
1. help patients clear blood toxins. Improve blood circulation, to help patients remove the toxins in the liver. On a variety of edema also have special effects.
2. Improve limb microcirculation, relieve cold hands and feet symptoms.
3. Activate cells. Can make the body cells active, effectively improve the constitution, enhance the body immunity.
4. Enhance the function. It can stimulate the human microcirculation system, improve the body function.
5. Relieve fatigue. It can make the body relax, relieve stress, so that patients have a good mood and recovery.
For patients with kidney disease:
Fumigation therapy can be sweat diuresis to detoxification, so that the body of ammonia metabolites and uric acid through the skin out of the body. The use of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment are obtained from nature, no side effects on patients. Fumigation therapy can effectively improve renal function, to help patients gradually stop dialysis.